Kids' Corner: An Interview with Elle Padaci

How did you get interested in theatre?
My grandma has always taken me to musicals and plays ever since I was little. I grew to love and admire the shows and wished to participate in them someday. Ever since then, I have preformed in many shows and continued to see many more.

What other 'skills' do you have and that you have maybe taken classes on to help you?
I’ve been a dancer since I was five years old which has helped with preforming in front of others and being comfortable embodying different roles.

What shows have you participated in?
I have participated in the Hershey Area Playhouse’s summer productions of “Robinhood,” “Jungle Book,” “The Stuff of Legend,” and “Treasure Island.” In addition, I have preformed in Hershey Middle School’s “Once in the Time of Trolls” and “Superheroes Unite.”

What's your favorite thing about doing theatre?
My favorite thing about theatre is the friendships that generate from the performances. Everyone has a shared love for theatre, giving everyone something in common automatically. I’ve met some of my greatest friends from theatre.

What do you find the hardest/most challenging thing about theatre?
I find that the most challenging thing about theatre is embodying my character. It’s hard to find the balance between being too over-the-top and being too generic. I find that adding a quirk or unique trait makes my character more memorable and more easy to play.

What has been your favorite role/character so far?
My favorite role I’ve played so far was Beatrice from “The Stuff of Legend.” Her personality was similar to mine, making me more confident and sure of myself. It was still a little challenging to learn the lines and mannerisms, but sharing a similar personality certainly made it more enjoyable.

What other areas of theatre are you interested in trying or doing?
Other areas of theatre I’m interested in, other than plays, are musicals. Ever since I’ve been in elementary school, I’ve been seeing the Hershey High School’s productions. I’ve always aspired to partake in the musicals ever since.

Do you have a dream role or show you would like to do, what is it?
My dream show to be in would be “Wicked.” I saw “Wicked” on Broadway when I was ten years old and the experience has stuck with me since then. Even just having a minor role would be a dream come true.

If you were going to encourage other kids to do theatre, what would you say?
I would definitely encourage others to participate in theatre. If say that being sure of yourself as your character is just as important as learning your lines. After a show, you feel so proud of what you and your cast mates have accomplished. It is an amazing time putting the productions together.

Hershey Area Playhouse